11231-high (1).gif


Based on a real relationship. A love letter to the neighborhood we call home.

Camera: Sony FS-5

Lenses: 24, 35 & 50mm

Cinematographer: Mapi Bartolome

Writer: Alejandro Castro

Music: Amapola Xavier Cugat

Thanks to our friendly neighbors at:


El Mate

Black Gold Records

Frankies Spuntino

Fort Defiance

Ample Hills

Carroll Gardens


NYFA Student Production / Montage Workshop

HD Camera Project is a montage exercise, a film of 15-25 shots that employs film non-linear storytelling techniques where images tell a story or convey a message by manipulating time, space, and rhythm.

Based on a real relationship. A love letter to the neighborhood we call home.

Camera: Sony FS-5
Lenses: 24, 35 & 50mm

Cinematographer: Mapi Bartolome
Writer: Alejandro Castro
Music: Amapola Xavier Cugat

Press: Brooklyn Daily Eagle